Workplace injuries still happen far too frequently in Arizona due to workplace hazards or commonplace accidents. Workers can take proactive measures to prepare for the possibility of a future injury claim by learning some of the steps in a workers’ compensation claim process.
Time is a major factor in any workers’ compensation injury claim. The time it takes to report a claim, get treatment, retain legal counsel, process a claim; the process can drag on for far too long depending on the actions of each party involved. As the injured person, timeliness is one of your greatest allies in a workers’ compensation claim process.
Start acting quickly
After a workplace injury, the most important thing is of course the health and wellbeing of the injured person. If you suffer from a life or limb-threatening injury in your workplace, get immediate medical assistance.
In the case of injuries that aren’t life or limb threatening, the first step is to notify your immediate supervisor and begin to formally report the incident to the company. Make a detailed report of the incident including the exact date, time and location, nature of the injury and a statement of what happened from your point of view. Following this notification, request medical attention for injuries.
A skilled workers’ compensation attorney will advise any injured person to submit an injury report in writing, even if the company doesn’t require such notification. Hard copies of physical documentation provide an evidentiary timeline for the claim. The sooner you submit notification, the sooner the claim process begins.
Immediacy helps your health and your case
Injured workers may receive a variety of compensation options after a workplace injury. Coverage of medical treatment, rehabilitation, wage replacement and travel reimbursements are potential benefits for injured workers.
These benefits won’t automatically kick in following and injury, meaning your health and wellbeing could suffer without the medical care and rehabilitation programs covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance.
Dealing with an injury on the job can be a time-consuming and stressful task for any employee. It can take time to process a claim and may not always turn out correctly the first time around. Working with an compensation attorney can help reduce your stress and time commitment during an injury claim process.
A workplace injury can happen at any time, so taking proactive steps to prepare for a potential injury can save you time and hassle down the road. No one wants to think they’ll experience an injury at work, but preparedness can be the key in a successful workers’ compensation claim case.