Whether you are taking a pizza or a package to customer, a delivery job can have several hazards attached to it that many residents do not realize.
Do You Suffer from PTSD from a Work-Related Incident?
You have undoubtedly heard the term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when referring to members of the military returning home after a deployment.
Early Signs That You May Have Spinal Cord Injury
Whether it is after an accident at the construction site, a motor vehicle crash or through old age, spinal cord injuries are catastrophic conditions
Time is an Important Factor in Workers’ Compensation Cases
Workplace injuries still happen far too frequently in Arizona due to workplace hazards or commonplace accidents. Workers can take proactive measures
When is a Car Accident Covered By Workers’ Compensation?
Commuting back and forth from work usually comes out of our pocketbook. We pay for our car, gas and insurance. But what happens if you’re completing a
Dealing With a Repetitive Stress Injury
You could be a construction worker, nurse or farmer. If your job involves physical activity, there’s chance a repetitive stress injury could occur.
Taking Precautions at a Construction Site
While being a construction worker can be very beneficial towards your family and community, it is no secret that the job has far more safety hazards
Staying Hydrated While Working Outside
No matter what your workplace looks like, the summer heat in Arizona presents an increased need for staying hydrated. There’s no shortage of articles
You Don’t Have to Be Working at Heights to Suffer a Serious Fall
From construction, to manufacturing, to health care, falls are a serious danger in a wide range of workplaces. When it comes to dangerous falls, a lot